Beyond IQ & EQ: What is Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) and why is it crucial for Business Leaders to develop SQ?

Ecem Eksioglu
16 min readMar 21, 2023


Ecem Eksioglu is interviewed by Mia Rosenzweig and she talks about the importance of developing Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) for Business Leaders.

Ecem Eksioglu is a Transpersonal Coach, Authentic Self Empowerment Facilitator, Wellbeing Educator and the Founder of Human Beyond Self. Mia Rosenzweig is an Executive Coach and Leadership Experience Designer. This interview was conducted for Mia’s research study.

Mia Rosenzweig (MR): Ecem, it’s wonderful to have you here. Let’s start off maybe with your full name, and years of experience in transpersonal coaching.

Ecem Eksioglu (EE): Hi Mia, lovely to connect, my name is Ecem Eksioglu, and I have been working as a transpersonal coach for two years now.

MR: Wonderful! So, basically for this research we are interested in the concept of Spiritual Intelligence (SQ). Can you explain your understanding of it?

EE: Sure. Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) is the ability to understand and connect with one’s inner self and the world around us. It’s the ability to see the big picture, higher meanings, values, and purposes into work and lives, and the ability to connect with something greater than oneself. It involves accessing and applying wisdom and knowledge that connects us to our deepest sense of purpose, values, and activates the qualities and capabilities of our authentic self. I love how Danah Zohar defines Spiritual Intelligence, she says that SQ is the essential foundation for both IQ and EQ, it’s our ultimate intelligence. It represents the pinnacle of human intelligence, enabling individuals to make wise judgments and respond to events in a proactive, transformative way. By cultivating this intelligence, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the world around them, and learn how to effect positive change in their lives and communities. This includes developing a new relationship with God or a higher power, fostering inner harmony and well-being, and promoting environmental sustainability for future generations. I love Fritjof Capra’s approach, he says that the ecology and spirituality are fundamentally connected, because deep ecological awareness, ultimately, is spiritual awareness. Ultimately, spiritual intelligence enables us to act with greater purpose, meaning, and compassion, helping us to become masters of our lives and create a better world for all. SQ is a relatively new concept and has not been studied as extensively as IQ or EQ. So it is not as well understood and has not been as widely adopted by researchers, educators, and practitioners. I believe that there is also a lack of consensus on what exactly SQ is and how to measure as it’s not something easy or tangible. SQ is often considered a personal topic, so it’s understandable that people may not be comfortable discussing it in a public setting, or people tend to believe that spirituality and religion are similar but in fact, spirituality is independent from religious beliefs and learnings, refers more to someone’s personal quest for meaning and self-transcendence. SQ represents a higher-order logic that is grounded in the transpersonal realm, making it the central and most fundamental of all the intelligences, because it becomes the source of guidance for the others which I believe that it’s the core for effective leadership. In other words, SQ is our inner compass that allows us to recognise what is truly important. As more research like you are doing right now, more people become aware of, it is likely to be discussed and studied more in society.

MR: I agree! So, specifically if we would define SQ as the ability to really think, feel, and act as your Higher Self, rather than being driven by the ego, my question would be how would you help a business leader do that in your practice as a transpersonal coach?

EE: As a Transpersonal Coach, I believe helping Business Leaders to develop Spiritual Intelligence also starts with understanding the importance of Emotional Intelligence (EQ). I’d like to briefly explain EQ, before we go deeper SQ, as there are different concepts of intelligence, however both of them are the key components for leadership development. Daniel Goleman, who developed the term of Emotional intelligence, describes EQ as the person’s ability to manage their feelings so that those feelings are expressed appropriately and effectively which includes self-awareness, self regulation and empathy which is important to building strong relationships. People with high EQ tend to have better communication and interpersonal skills, are better at resolving conflicts, and are more resilient in handling stress and challenging situations. EQ is an integral part of forming and developing meaningful human relationships. I believe that what makes an effective Leader is to be able to understand and tune into his emotions, therefore understand other people’s as well. So, coming back to how a transpersonal coach can help a Business Leader, Transpersonal Coaching (TPC) is a valuable approach as it draws on spiritual perspectives and mind-expanding practices to help people transcend narrow self-beliefs and establish more resourceful states of mind, body, and spirit. As a transpersonal coach, I guide Business Leaders to act from an awareness of self as spirit not just form, and soul not just rational thinking. Mind, body and spirit is one holistic system, they are linked together and one strengthens the other.

MR: You spoke a lot about emotions and that a higher EQ then also equals a higher SQ? What are the relations between the intelligences?

EE: I think it’s definitely related. EQ refers to ‘I feel’, is the ability to recognise, understand, and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others and is different from sensitivity and emotionality. Empathy brings compassion with it together, and those emotions are very much connected with Spiritual Intelligence. Ultimately, all four types of intelligence are important and should be considered together. Physical Intelligence (PQ) is having an awareness of one’s own body, strength, balance, agility and coordination, and the ability to use this awareness to not only express oneself effectively in physical activities but also PQ is injects new relationships and new energies that empower the social intelligence dimension, and it builds a higher degree of resilience that enables the emotional dimension which includes spiritual resolve. PQ is a crucial component, as its absence will stunt the growth of other forms of intelligence. In my view, PQ enables us to tap into our innermost core by forging a connection between our physical sensations and experiences. It’s deeply ingrained within the complex web of mental, emotional, and physical patterns that make up our being, shaping our unique traits and life experiences. Simply, PQ fosters the state of presence which is being aware of your immediate surroundings with greater clarity than usual. Intelligence Quotient, IQ, refers to ‘I think’, is important for cognitive abilities such as reasoning, problem-solving, and memory, often used in educational and occupational settings. EQ is important for understanding and managing emotions as I mentioned before, and lastly, SQ referring to ‘I am’, to understand and connect with oneself and the world around us. SQ is a higher form of intelligence that activates capacities that unlocks new levels of understanding, empathy, and creativity. It arises from a profound grasp of purpose and meaning, leading to the enhancement of one’s talents and productivity. As I mentioned about the presence before, to have a higher level of SQ, the state of presence is really important which PQ is linked to. Presence can be described as a shift in attention, moving from a focus on external objects to an inward focus on the self. This shift leads to a transition from an ego-centered perspective to a more soulful perspective. When you shift your attention towards the subject-pole, and begin to identify with your consciousness rather than your body and mind, you gain greater clarity about your surroundings and everything at the object-pole of attention. Richard Griffiths, an expert on consciousness and spiritual intelligence, he simplifies the SQ with an equation as SQ = P(IQ+EQ) where P is the Presence. From my understanding, this means that your SQ is equal to your IQ and EQ when they are guided by your soul. Your soul takes charge of your IQ and EQ during moments of presence, which leads to the removal of your ego from the command. Consequently, during these moments, your ego is not responsible for directing your thoughts, emotions, goals, values, or behaviors. Since your soul possesses qualities like wisdom, compassion, integrity, joy, love, creativity, and peace, it is more suited to the task of governing your IQ and EQ than your ego. As a result, your SQ becomes your most valuable personal resource, as it allows your soul to take charge. When you live in accordance with your soul, SQ enables you to reach your full potential, transforming the life path that would have been created by your ego. It also serves as the foundation for all transformational activities. There are many types of intelligence but the main ones are the ones that I’ve mentioned before. All of the types of intelligences are interconnected, and they play a role in different aspects of life to different degrees. The recognition of these different types of intelligence highlights the need for a more holistic approach to understanding human abilities. At my own coaching practice, ultimately we do is developing a higher SQ. I hold the space to practise the presence which I value so much. Together, bringing ourselves to here and now is really important to reconnect what is going within us and around. At the end of the day, we are all humans before being a Business Leader and we carry a lot of from our past for years and these could be end up as unresolved traumas so bringing awareness to revive those traumas with healing modalities which acceptance and forgiveness is a big part of the coaching context. The good news is all types of intelligence can be developed like a muscle through intentional practice, especially Higher SQ Leaders spend a significant amount of time with their coaches to map out the next steps of their personal development process.

MR: Indeed! And also from what I heard it’s really about focusing on the present moment, that reminds me of a lot of mindfulness in general. What’s the difference for you between mindfulness and Spiritual Intelligence then?

EE: Mindfulness is the awareness coming through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally. When we practise mindfulness, our thoughts tune into what we’re sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future. It is often used as a positive psychology technique to reduce stress and can support an emotional healing, over time. I use mindfulness as a tool with my clients to increase SQ and to connect to their values, purpose and source whilst really getting comfortable to just being rather than doing. Spirituality, on the other hand, comes from the Latin word spiritus, means ‘‘a force within the body that generates life.’’ I love how Neville Goddard describes it, he says that ‘‘it’s the energy capable of producing internal harmony of body, mind and spirit. The energy which can be focused internally fortifies and strengthens positive thinking, and can be used creatively to achieve harmony and mobilise or enhance internal defences, thereby facilitating well-being and inner healing.’’ Another approach I resonate with is Collen Delaney’s, he believes that spirituality has four interrelated domains: (a) a belief in a higher force or universal intelligence, which may or may not involve religious rituals; (b) self-exploration, which starts with inner reflection and finding one’s meaning and purpose; (c) connections with others, built on a deep reverence for life; (d) eco-awareness — a deep appreciation and respect for nature and the environment through a belief in the sanctity of the Earth and the environment. I believe that those four domains are the fundamental to understand what spirituality is. For me, spirituality is the innermost part of each human being that aspires for self-transcendence, finding meaning and purpose through connection with oneself, others and the interconnectedness for the rest of the world.

MR: Wonderful insights about spirituality, thank you for sharing this. Now I’d like to ask you as a Transpersonal Coach, is there a specific framework, or tools that you use with Business Leaders?

EE: As a Transpersonal Coach, I hold the space for my clients to help them to realise so then fulfil their needs in the five contexts which are physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual levels. As human beings, we are all unique and our emotions and behaviours can be motivated by different needs and values on any level, depending on the circumstances we face. Transpersonal coaching leads to greater levels of integration and wholeness eventually helps to increase levels of clarity, creativity, behavioural and emotional flexibility, and a deeper sense of meaning. Through my own experiences, I have experience the power of healing modalities from TCP, spirituality, NLP and mindfulness combining with the practices that I’ve been developed over the year. I use Open Awareness (OA) as a tool with my clients. Open Awareness is the flow of pure experience unified with the rest of reality. Open Awareness is actually more than a technique, it’s natural mode of being which cultivates both metacognitive introspective awareness (mind observes its own state and activities, meaning, an awareness of mind itself) and extrospective awareness (includes sensory perceptions and somatic experience). In today’s digital age with high-tech and fast-paced lifestyles, technology now has the ability to influence and narrow our attention like never before. This has unfortunately caused us to be forced into tunnel awareness which narrowed our attention to the digital devices and our perceptions and capacity to think, feel and behave holistically. Same with Business Leaders, the ones who mostly experience overwhelming stress and burnout syndrome are stuck in a state of tunnel awareness, where they continue to focus on the factors that contribute to the problem. In order to discover a more resourceful state to overcome a problem, Business Leaders can shift their state consciousness in a way to disidentify from their limited self-concept which there are tools to use to do that. This could be done through Open Awareness which enables them to expand their sense of self and establish a broader perspective in turn to increase their awareness of options beyond those determined by their limited self-concept. I believe that shifting out from tunnel awareness into Open Awareness can be one of the best frameworks for the use by Business Leaders and everyone else.

Open Awareness Ecology by Jevon Dangeli

MR: Why do you think that? What’s the practical value for a Business Leader by engaging in Open Awareness in their daily busy lives?

EE: It’s available and accessible for everyone. It’s like a muscle that you practise and the more you practise, the more it can easily shift. When you go to the gym, do you expect the result within a day? Absolutely not. You need to be consistent to see the results and feel the change. Just like that, being consistent and practising these tools with guidance of a Transpersonal Coach would enhance your personal, professional and social life. Business Leaders should go inwards, really nurture with their body-mind connection, checking with themselves and bringing themselves to the present moment. Open Awareness allows you to cultivate a deeper connection with yourself, with the present moment as well as others around you. And within time, Open Awareness helps Business Leaders to develop empathy and compassion, which they need the most!

MR: I heard you. You also said that Spiritual Intelligence is a bit more of a fluffy or difficult to grasp concept. So, from your experience of working with Business Leaders, how do you then approach that? What kind of challenges might you and your client encounter in the process of developing Spiritual Intelligence?

EE: When people hear about spirituality, they think that it’s a ‘’woo-woo’’ concept. Yet, while I agree that some of the concepts can not be for everyone else, there are several notions of quantum physics that are similar notions to spirituality. Quantum physics is probably the most accurate scientific discipline accepted by humankind so for the ones who are unlikely to get used to spirituality, I share some concepts from quantum physics which might allow them to think about spirituality in a different way. I talk about David Bohm’s work, who Einstein called his ‘spiritual son’, who is one of the most important physicists of the 20th century. He was ahead of his time in the sense that he believed that quantum theory led to a deeper comprehension of the interconnectedness of all things. Him and J. Krishnamurti, one of the greatest spiritual leaders of all time, had a remarkable series of conversations about the nature of mind and consciousness, awareness, creation, freedom, love, trust and the future of mankind with regards to both quantum theory and spirituality perspectives. Their deep insights into the question of the observer and the observed, conclude that these notions cannot be separated and have been put forth as necessary for the understanding of the fundamental laws of matter in general. Krishnamurti also believed in the total awareness as being essential for a free mind which I can tell that for me it’s the shift to Open Awareness. I highly recommend watching David Bohm & J. Krishnamurti: Conversations to those who want to learn more about the different perspectives on mysticism and science, I also recommend watching Infinite Potential: The Life and Ideas of David Bohm for those who have a deeper interest on this topic. Another approach for this topic comes from the worldwide known spiritual teacher Dalai Lama, he believes in the connection between quantum physics and spirituality. His idea is that everything is energy is one of the pillars of the connection between two. It’s important to note that while there may be some similarities between the two fields, they are based on fundamentally different methodologies and approaches. We should also not forget that spirituality is a complex and individual experience and, while it is difficult to prove through scientific evidence, it is important to approach any research or discussions on the topic with an open mind and a respect for individual beliefs and experiences. I’d also like to shortly explain about the pineal gland, which we also call the ‘‘third eye’’. Recent neuroscience studies show that the pineal gland is not just a hormone-secreting organ that oversees the circadian rhythm through melatonin production but also has a mystical and energetic connection to spirituality. They have suggested that the pineal gland may play a role in spiritual experiences, as it is involved in the production of certain psychoactive substances like dimethyltryptamine (DMT). I believe that someday modern science will understand the mystery between the pineal gland and spirituality. The challenges of the process of developing the SQ are mostly for human beings to feel safe and familiar in the warmth of our comfort zone; whether this is a place, a person, a new learning, or even a city that we are living in. But I think that the more we are stuck in our comfort zone, the more opportunities we miss to fully immerse ourselves in the human experience. Business Leaders are not willing to leave their comfort zone, and this comfort zone can refer to operating from a place of ego and control, and embracing spirituality can feel like a threat to this sense of control. SQ often requires a level of vulnerability and openness that can be difficult for them to achieve. Business Leaders use to only interpret from the logical and analytic perspective of mind, which is another challenge, and in my opinion this is from a fear of the unknown, a sense of control and a lack of trust for something greater than human experience. These challenges can make it difficult for Business Leaders to fully embrace SQ and integrate it into their lives. However, for those who are willing to take the leap, this can be life-changing. By doing so, they will reach a deeper sense of connection with themselves, others and the rest of the world. They will also gain more empathy and compassion, allowing them to see people’s different perspectives whether it is an important decision for the organisation or the team in order to work more effectively but also to make a difference in the world by changing the ways we interact with each other, which can have a last impact on society in general. Moreover, they will reach a higher purpose and degree of fulfilment, which brings them a greater sense of health, connection and wealth. I understand that it’s not really easy to do. But I know that there is something beyond human mind and knowledge, something that is greater and beyond. Rumi wisely pointed this out, ‘‘The mind says there is nothing beyond the physical world; the heart says there is, and I’ve been there many times.’’

MR: What a beautiful approach. It reminds me of helping leaders to become more human again with the vulnerability you touched on, rather than being just those performance-machines, you know. Especially in the digital age, we have machines to do that for us, so we need to realise what really makes us human again, right?

EE: It really is. Business Leaders should look inwards and discover their authenticity, by turning inwards and gaining an understanding of everything fundamentally being interconnected. When you feel interconnectedness, it becomes impossible to experience the separation that the ego wants you to experience. I help them to be more curious about themselves and the world, experience this interconnectedness and go beyond with a deeper awareness so that they fulfil their potential.

MR: Yes, it’s really like this. What is this saying… “Depending on who you are, this is how you see the world” — right?

EE: When you change, the world changes — not the other way around. From there, when Business Leaders embrace change and learning to unlearn, everything will open upshifting consciousness as individually and collectively.

MR: Thank you so much Ecem!

EE: Thank you too Mia!

Ecem Eksioglu is a Transpersonal Coach, Wellbeing Educator and Authentic Self Empowerment Facilitator. She is the founder of Human Beyond Self, a coaching studio focusing on healing, self development and growth. She offers 1:1 coaching, group coaching and wellbeing workshops for companies and brands. You can read more of her work at

Further readings:

Adele, A., Arshad, M., Arshad, A., M., and Akhtar., S. (2016). Spiritual Intelligence (SQ): A holistic framework for human resource development

Dangeli, J. (2019). Open Awareness Handbook, Second Edition

Delaney, C. (2005). The Spirituality Scale: Development and psychometric testing of a holistic instrument to assess the human spiritual dimension.

Griffiths, R.

Goddard, N. C. (1995). Spirituality as integrative energy: A philosophical analysis as requisite precursor to holistic nursing practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing.

Kumar., R., Kumar., A., Sardhara., J. (2018). Pineal Gland — A Spiritual Third Eye: An Odyssey of Antiquity to Modern Chronomedicine.

Molokai., P., (2021). Is Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) or Spiritual Quotient an Intelligence? Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences analyzed.

Ponte, V. and D., and Schäfer., L. (2013). Carl Gustav Jung, Quantum Physics and the Spiritual Mind: A Mystical Vision of the Twenty-First Century.

Yaden, D., B., Haidt, J., Hood, R., W., Vago, D. R., and Newberg, A. B. (2017). The varieties of self-transcendent experience.

